Welcome back!! We hope you had a wonderful summer.
We have made some important changes to our booking system. Please see our booking section for more details.
The important stuff!

I am excited to share with you our recent OFSTED inspection report.
It was our first inspection and we are so incredible proud of the feedback we received.
They were very complimentary of our setting, our staff, children attending and our parents.
Please may I thank you all for your lovely comments on the day and your continued support.
To view our report please click here.
OFSTED - Our Legal Requirements
As we are an OFSTED registered childcare provider caring for children on non domestic premises we are legally required to register with OFSTED.
What are OFSTED's Registers?
The Childcare Register ​-voluntary part which requires all childcarers who are paid for caring for children over the age of 8 years for less than 2 hours a day to register with OFSTED.
The Childcare Register - Compulsory part which requires all childcarers who are paid for caring for children aged 5 - 8 years for more than 2 hours a day to register with OFSTED.
The Early Years Childcare Register which requires all childcarers who are paid for caring for Early Years children age 3-5 years to register with OFSTED.
To ensure we can provide childcare for all children attending primary school age 3 - 11 years we are on all of the Childcare registers listed above. To be eligible to register we have lots of legal requirements that we need to meet. More information can be found here.
This also means you may be eligible for help with your childcare costs, including child tax credits, universal credit, childcare vouchers and tax free childcare. Please contact a member of staff for more details
As we are on the Early Years Childcare Register we are able to care for Early Years children as young as 3.
We understand that all children develop differently and therefore we adapt a personal approach to our Early Years care.
We pride ourselves on having the right staff for our children and our business.
Our staff work really hard to ensure our children receive the best quality experiences and care.
From our first initial meeting, until your child's very last session with us, our care and commitment to our families will remain our priority.
Find out more about our Early Years care here.

"Free, unstructured play is healthy and, in fact, essential for helping children reach important social, emotional, and cognitive developmental milestones."
SEND & Inclusion
How do we support children with SEND?

We pride ourselves at MCS LTD on being an inclusive setting.
We use Zones of Regulation which supports our children to talk about their emotional health and wellbeing. Staff are trained to use Zones and you will regularly find staff talking about what zone they are in and how that makes them feel. This works well with children of all ages as it is very visual for our younger children to see the different emotions attached to the different coloured zones, it is also easy for our older children to use as it can give them the vocabulary to support them in describing how they are feeling.
Whilst we are not specialist provision we work extremely hard with children and families to find strategies and techniques to support children who attend our sessions.
For more information on SEND and Inclusion please see our Policy here
Do you have have any questions?
Please contact the SEND Coordinator Leanne Flitcroft
07986 734550
Session Fees
As a family run business, we understand the impact the cost of living is still having on every day life. Last year we held prices to help parents as much as possible.
However, for the second year running there has been continued and significant rises to our outgoings from increased food bills, insurance, play equipment, craft supplies, staff wages, fuel and transport costs.
This year we have made some changes to our session fees for September 2023.
Please see our booking forms for up to date prices on the sessions that you need.
We will hold our current prices for the remainder of this 2023/2024 academic year.
May we take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support.